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Do Mother’s and Children’s Lives Matter?

Black Lives Matter founders tell their own story. Co-founder Patrice Cullors, in a 2015 interview with Jared Ball: “The first thing, we actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia (Garza) in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories…”

Let’s begin by understanding what that means.  Frederick Engels wrote succinctly to Marx, “…it was always our view that in order to attain this [proletarian revolution] and the other far more important aims of the future social revolution, the working class must first take possession of the organized political power of the state and by its aid crush the resistance of the capitalist class and organize society anew.” This tells us where Marx and Engels and their disciples want to take us. It also points to their obsession with power.

Marx and Engels also had convictions about families. They saw state and church-regulated marriage as a form of class oppression Engel’s denounced the nuclear family as a Capitalist arrangement with the purpose of reproducing inequality; “The children of the rich grow up into wealth while the children of the poor remain poor.”  They did not live to see millions realize the American Dreams of entrepreneurship and mobility. They ignored parents that have taught their children the lessons of life from the Old Testament through the empires of Egypt and Greece and Rome, and the spread of wisdom of Confucius and Buddha and the Hindu Upanishads.

Black Lives Matter does not ask, “How does a single parent find the personal resources to earn an income to support a family and to teach children basic lessons for success?” or “Exactly how does the collective replace the disrupted family?”  Before school-age children need to begin learning the golden rule, the value of integrity, curiosity to motivate learning, the need for goals to enable self-direction in a free society, and perseverance to overcome obstacles and disappointments. How is it oppressive for two parents to commit to each other and their children to transmit these values?  Is it not the most destructive possible sin for a father and mother to abandon teaching life skills and values to their children? Do we even need to understand this to observe the data on excessive suicides, drug abuse, mental disorders, poverty, and crime by children who grow up without fathers? How can any honest or sensible person argue that disruption or destruction of the nuclear family is not damaging to all mothers and children deprived of their fathers, and thus to our civilization?

Yet here we are. The BLM website talks in generalities about all things except three tenets directly from Marx. They open with their mission “To build power…” and their first accomplishment, “The Black Lives Matter Global Network is as powerful as it is…” an uncompromising commitment to securing power, not power to the people but power to their organization, and an equally uncompromising commitment that, “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family.”

To disrupt the family is to condemn mothers and children to abandonment. It is to impoverish and subjugate them to the power of the party or the state, or worse. To enforce the BLM commitment to this path, they take a page from every tyrant in the twentieth century; marginalize and destroy accountability of local police and replace law enforcement with centralized enforcement of government policy or anarchist thugs or both. How is it helpful to mothers and children to replace local police with KGB or CCP or SS or Brown Shirts or CHOP vigilantes?

Marxist regimes in Russia and China and Cuba and Venezuela and elsewhere do not protect the lives of mothers and children. They have each slaughtered multitudes of their own people. They have always built their power to do so with the support of many well-meaning people in the name of worthy reforms. They have hijacked altruism with high-sounding slogans and empathetic language, and by shaming those who disagree into silence… and also with deceit.  These are the self-avowed role models for Black Lives Matter.

If you would like to contribute to Black Lives Matter, go to their website and press “Donate.” You will be guided to ActBlue Charities to complete your donation. A Google of ActBlue will reveal it is not a charity you are giving to, but a Political Action Committee affiliated with the Democratic Party that has raised over $5 Billion since 2004.  Go figure.

Reprinted from The Tuchfarber Report

July 20, 2020